In a single instant everything can become inverted like a russian contortionist on her "A game". And money changes everything. Today something occurred that threw a minor wrench in some major plans. The kind of wrench that has a three bill price tag-easy. I'm not gonna say what that thing was because this spilled milk smells more sour with each retelling. However, having money for the first time, then losing it all in a second means that the plans made around that money are left hanging in the air. From the simple dinner to the outlandish pilot lesson, from the relief at being able to pay off debt to the exhuberance of splurging on oft yearned after but rarely obtained fancy retail duds, I was pissing cash and stocking up savings for a few months. Now, in the wake of the death of that fleeting dream I am back at square one once again. This time instead of losing my voice, my possessions, my apartment or my love, it's just my fucking cash that's taking off.
Of all the set backs this one sucks the least, so that's pretty rad. Go go gadget poverty once more.
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