Everyone took a bag of stuff and left the apartment to consider what to do to get rid of the infestation before our slated move out date, November 1st.
The more we researched the worse everything seemed to be, Horror stories of ever adapting bed bugs resilient to plastic and fumigation. I lived in the clothes my dad got me the day I had to do my laundry for 3 days. I've been living out of a plastic bag.
We wanted to leave in October instead then had a mixup and ended up setting the move out date for Sept 1st- like 2 days from now. Our stuff needs to stay in the apartment for a number of weeks while the poison kills the insects so that isn't an option.
Unfortunately, the apartment has already been listen on craigslist here with a move in date set for as soon as September!
So not only do they think we are leaving in 2 days, they expect someone to move in to an apartment untreated for bed bugs, without renovating and no sign of their family taking the place over!
What the fuck?
i think you should post an ad on facebook notifying people that the apartment has bed bugs--and put the apartment onto the toronto bed bug registry.